How to combine ARExample and URP
The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a prebuilt Scriptable Render Pipeline, made by Unity. OpenCVforUnity itself works fine with any render pipeline, but the ARExample, which superimposes two camera images, does not render well in the URP project. This is because some components of the ARExample are configured for the built-in rendering pipeline. By setting these settings for the universal rendering pipeline, AR objects will render correctly. MainCamera ARCamera Cube MockARMarker ScreenShot
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.5 Release!
Version 2.5.5 [Common]Updated to OpenCV4.8.0. [Common]Added ImageCorrectionExample, YuNetFaceDetectionExample and FaceDetectionYuNetV2Example. [Common]Updated HumanSegmentationExample, BarcodeDetectorExample. [Windows]Added Support for ARM64. [WebGL]Added Unity2023.2 or later support.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.4 Release!
Version 2.5.4 [Common]Added VideoWriterAsyncExample. [Common]Updated SimpleBlobExample, HumanSegmentationExample and HandPoseEstimationExample.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.3 Release!
Version 2.5.3 [Common]Added HandPoseEstimationExample and FacialExpressionRecognitionExample.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.2 Release!
2.5.2 [Common]Added YOLOv4ObjectDetectionExample, YOLOv7ObjectDetectionExample, YOLOXObjectDetectionExample and NanoDetPlusObjectDetectionExample. [Common]Updated HandPoseEstimationExample, ArUcoExample, ArUcoWebCamExample and ArUcoCameraCalibrationExample.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.1 Release!
Verson 2.5.1 [Common]Updated to OpenCV4.7.0. [Common]Added ImageClassificationMobilenetExample and HandPoseEstimationExample. [Common]Added TrackerNano to TrackingExample. [Lumin]Removed Lumin platform support (for MagicLeapOne). [Common]Add a button to SetupTools to automatically add scenes under the “Examples” folder to “Scenes In Build”
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.0 Release!
Version 2.5.0 [Common]Added TransformECCExample, HumanSegmentationExample and ImageClassificationPPResnetExample.v [Common]Update TextOCRWebCamExample. [Common]Changed the setup procedure to use the SetupToolsWindow. [Common]Change the namespase under “OpenCVForUnity/Editor” folder from “OpenCVForUnity” to “OpenCVForUnity.Editor”. [Common]Added the ExampleAssetsDownloaderWindow that automatically downloads the necessary files to Examples. [Common]Added “OpenCVForUnity” folder under “StreamingAssets” folder. [Common]Added function to automatically move the StreamingAssets folder. [WebGL]Added Unity2022.2 or later support.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.4.9 Release!
Version 2.4.9 [Common]Added LegacyTrackingExample and LightweightPoseEstimationWebCamExample.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.4.8 Release!
Version 2.4.8 [Common]Updated to OpenCV4.6.0. [Common]Added KNNExample, PhysicalGreenScreenExample and LightweightPoseEstimationExample. [Common]Update VideoCaptureToMatHelper, GreenScreenExample and QRCodeDetectorExample.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.4.7 Release!
Version 2.4.7 [Common]Updated to OpenCV4.5.5. [Common]Added FaceDetectorYNWebCamTextureExample, FaceRecognizerSFExample and QRCodeEncoderExample.