OpenCV for Unity ver2.3.3 Release!
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: OpenCV for Unity
Version 2.3.3
[Common]Updated to OpenCV4.0.0. [Common]Re-assined namespace as was classified by module names. [Common]Updated to WebCamTextureToMatHelper.cs v1.1.0. [Common]Updated to ImageOptimizationHelper v1.1.0 [Common]Added Utils_GetFilePathExample, FaceMarkExample and QRCodeDetectorExample.Related posts
OpenCV for Unity ver2.3.4 Release!
Version 2.3.4 [Common]Added MaskRCNNExample. [WebGL]Added Unity2019.1 or later support.
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: OpenCV for Unity
OpenCV for Unity ver2.0.1 Release!
Version 2.0.1[OSX]Fixed SIGILL Exception.[Common]Added Utils.setDebugMode() method.[Common]Added MatchTemplateSample, StereoBMSample, SeamlessCloneSample and WebCamTextureDetectCirclesSample.[Common]Added flipVertical flag, flapHorizontal flag and GetWebCamDevice() method to WebCamTextureToMatHelper.cs.[Common]Excluded Old Version based on “OpenCV 2.4.11”.(In order to reduce the package size)
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: OpenCV for Unity
Way to translation of Mat class operators defined in C++
This is a list of implemented matrix operations that can be combined in arbitrary complex expressions (here A, B stand for matrices ( Mat ), s for a scalar ( Scalar ), alpha for a real-valued scalar ( double )): Note: In C++, the left-hand operand of compound assignment operators like “A += B” is reused, and operations such as “Core.add(A, B, A)” are performed internally. However, in C#, it is not possible to explicitly overload compound assignment operators. Instead, binary operator overloading is used implicitly, which results in a new Mat object being created and assigned to A each time an operator is used. This behavior leads to different memory management between C++ and C#. c++OpenCVForUnity(C#)Addition, subtraction, negation: A+B, A-B, A+s, A-s, s+A, s-A, -AA + BM1 + M2Core.add (M1, M2, M_dst)A – BM1 – M2Core.subtract (M1, M2, M_dst)A + sM1 + sCore.add (M1, s, M_dst)A – sM1 – sCore.subtract (M1, s, M_dst)-A-M1Core.multiply (M1, Scalar.all (-1), M_dst)Scaling: A*alpha A/alphaA * αM1 * 3Core.multiply (M1, Scalar.all (3), M_dst)A / αM1 / 3Core.divide (M1, Scalar.all (3), M_dst)Per-element multiplication and division: A.mul(B), A/B, alpha/AA.mul(B)M1.mul(M2)M1.mul (M2)A / BM1 / M2Core.divide (M1, M2, M_dst)α / A3 / M1Core.divide (new Mat (M1.size (), M1.type (), Scalar.all (3)), M1, M_dst)Matrix multiplication: A*BA * BM1 * M2Core.gemm (M1, M2, 1, new Mat (), 0, M_dst)Comparison: A cmpop B, A cmpop alpha, alpha cmpop A, where […]
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Tips
- Tags: OpenCV for Unity