OpenCV for Unity ver2.2.6 Release!Published: 2018-01-31Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: UpdateTags: OpenCV for UnityVersion 2.2.6 [Android]Added arm64-v8a Architecture. [Common]Added ImwriteScreenCaptureExample.Related posts OpenCV for Unity ver2.4.2 Release! Version 2.4.2 [Common]Added Assembly Definitions. [Common]Fixed LibFaceDetectionV3Example.Published: 2020-12-14Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: UpdateTags: OpenCV for Unity NO IMAGE Introductions Hello everyone! Welcome. This site is the official site of the Unity Asset ” OpenCV for Unity ” .Published: 2015-12-06Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: NewsTags: OpenCV for Unity OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.3 Release! Version 2.5.3 [Common]Added HandPoseEstimationExample and FacialExpressionRecognitionExample.Published: 2023-03-05Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: UpdateTags: OpenCV for Unity
OpenCV for Unity ver2.4.2 Release! Version 2.4.2 [Common]Added Assembly Definitions. [Common]Fixed LibFaceDetectionV3Example.Published: 2020-12-14Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: UpdateTags: OpenCV for Unity
NO IMAGE Introductions Hello everyone! Welcome. This site is the official site of the Unity Asset ” OpenCV for Unity ” .Published: 2015-12-06Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: NewsTags: OpenCV for Unity
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.3 Release! Version 2.5.3 [Common]Added HandPoseEstimationExample and FacialExpressionRecognitionExample.Published: 2023-03-05Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: UpdateTags: OpenCV for Unity