OpenCV for Unity ver2.3.2 Release!
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: OpenCV for Unity
Version 2.3.2
[macOS]Removed 32bit architecture(i386) from opencvforuntiy.bundle.Related posts
OpenCV for Unity ver2.1.4 Release!
Version 2.1.4 [Common]Changed the scene name.(“Sample” to “Example”) ] [Common]Fixed ArUcoTexture2DExample and ArUcoWebCamTextureExample. [Common]Added ConnectedComponentsExample. [Common]Added GreenScreenExample.
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: OpenCV for Unity
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.3 Release!
Version 2.5.3 [Common]Added HandPoseEstimationExample and FacialExpressionRecognitionExample.
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: OpenCV for Unity
OpenCV for Unity ver1.3.1 Release!
Version 1.3.1 [Common]Fixed WebCamTextureToMatHelper.cs.(Add didUpdateThisFrame () method) [Common]Added Beta15 Version of “OpenCV for Untiy” based on “OpenCV3.0.0”.
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: OpenCV for Unity