OpenCV for Unity ver2.4.6 Release!
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: OpenCV for Unity
Version 2.4.6
[Common]Updated to OpenCV4.5.4. [Android]Added Support for ChromeOS (x86 and x86_64 architectures).Related posts
Dlib FaceLandmark Detector ver1.3.4 Release!
Version 1.3.4 [Common]Changed the setup procedure to use the SetupToolsWindow. [Common]Change the namespase under “DlibFaceLandmarkDetector/Editor” folder from “DlibFaceLandmarkDetector” to “DlibFaceLandmarkDetector.Editor”. [Common]Added “DlibFaceLandmarkDetector” folder under “StreamingAssets” folder. [Common]Added function to automatically move the StreamingAssets folder. [WebGL]Added Unity2022.2 or later support.
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: Dlib FaceLandmark Detector
Dlib FaceLandmark Detector ver1.0.8 Release!
Verdion 1.0.8[Common]Changed the name of asset project.(“Sample” to “Example”)[Common]Fixed VideoCaptureARExample and WebCamTextureARExample.
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: Dlib FaceLandmark Detector
OpenCV for Unity ver2.2.7 Release!
Version 2.2.7 [Common]Updated to OpenCV3.4.1. [Common]Added OpenPoseExample, KalmanFilterExample, ArUcoCameraCalibrationExample. [Common]Fixed VideoWriterExample, VideoCaptureExample, ImwriteScreenCaptureExample, CamShiftExample, TrackingExample, HandPoseEstimationExample, ArUcoCreateMarkerExample, ArUcoExample, ArUcoWebCamTextureExample. [Common] Updated to WebCamTextureToMatHelper.cs v1.0.6.
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: OpenCV for Unity