OpenCV for Unity ver2.0.9 Release! Published: 2016-11-22Updated: 2016-11-23Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: Update Version 2.0.9[WebGL]Added WebGL(beta) support.(Unity5.3 or later) Related posts OpenCV for Unity ver1.3.0 Release! Version: 1.3.0 [Common]Fixed WebCamTextureToMatHelper.cs.( Bug of rotation convertion from WebCamTexture to Mat in Win,Mac StandAlone Build) [Common] Added Beta14 Version of “OpenCV for Untiy” based on “OpenCV3.0.0”. Published: 2016-02-05Updated: 2016-02-17Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: Update OpenCV for Unity ver2.4.9 Release! Version 2.4.9 [Common]Added LegacyTrackingExample and LightweightPoseEstimationWebCamExample. Published: 2022-10-11Updated: 2022-10-16Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: Update OpenCV for Unity ver2.1.9 Release! Version 2.1.9[WebGL]Fixed Utils.getFilePathAsync() method. Published: 2017-08-01Updated: 2017-08-14Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: Update
OpenCV for Unity ver1.3.0 Release! Version: 1.3.0 [Common]Fixed WebCamTextureToMatHelper.cs.( Bug of rotation convertion from WebCamTexture to Mat in Win,Mac StandAlone Build) [Common] Added Beta14 Version of “OpenCV for Untiy” based on “OpenCV3.0.0”. Published: 2016-02-05Updated: 2016-02-17Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: Update
OpenCV for Unity ver2.4.9 Release! Version 2.4.9 [Common]Added LegacyTrackingExample and LightweightPoseEstimationWebCamExample. Published: 2022-10-11Updated: 2022-10-16Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: Update
OpenCV for Unity ver2.1.9 Release! Version 2.1.9[WebGL]Fixed Utils.getFilePathAsync() method. Published: 2017-08-01Updated: 2017-08-14Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: Update