OpenCV for Unity ver2.4.0 Release!Published: 2020-08-06Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: UpdateTags: OpenCV for UnityVersion 2.4.0 [Common]Updated to OpenCV4.4.0. [Common]Added TextOCRExample. [Common]Updated YoloObjectDetectionExample ( Yolo v4 ) . Related posts OpenCV for Unity ver2.0.9 Release! Version 2.0.9[WebGL]Added WebGL(beta) support.(Unity5.3 or later)Published: 2016-11-22Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: UpdateTags: OpenCV for Unity OpenCV for Unity ver1.2.8 Release! Version: 1.2.8 [iOS]Fixed malloc_error that occurs in Unity5.3.1p2. [Common]Added Beta12 Version of “OpenCV for Untiy” based on “OpenCV3.0.0”.Published: 2016-01-21Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: UpdateTags: OpenCV for Unity PlayMakerActions for OpenCVforUnity 1.0.0 is now available. PlayMakerActions for OpenCVforUnity 1.0.0 is now available.!/content/94516Published: 2017-07-23Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: NewsTags: OpenCV for Unity
OpenCV for Unity ver2.0.9 Release! Version 2.0.9[WebGL]Added WebGL(beta) support.(Unity5.3 or later)Published: 2016-11-22Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: UpdateTags: OpenCV for Unity
OpenCV for Unity ver1.2.8 Release! Version: 1.2.8 [iOS]Fixed malloc_error that occurs in Unity5.3.1p2. [Common]Added Beta12 Version of “OpenCV for Untiy” based on “OpenCV3.0.0”.Published: 2016-01-21Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: UpdateTags: OpenCV for Unity
PlayMakerActions for OpenCVforUnity 1.0.0 is now available. PlayMakerActions for OpenCVforUnity 1.0.0 is now available.!/content/94516Published: 2017-07-23Updated: 2024-12-02Author: Enox SoftwareCategory: NewsTags: OpenCV for Unity