OpenCV for Unity ver2.6.1 Release!
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: OpenCV for Unity
Version 2.6.1
[Common]Updated to OpenCV4.10.0. [Common]Added MultiSource2MatHelperExample.Related posts
OpenCV for Unity ver2.6.5 Release!
Version 2.6.5 [Common]Add ARHelper component class. [Common]Updated ArUcoExample, ArUcoImageExample, HandPoseEstimationMediaPipeExample and PostEstimationMediaPipeExample using the ARHelper class. [Common]Refactored AsyncGPUReadback2MatHelper, Image2MatHelper, UnityVideoPlayer2MatHelper, VideoCapture2MatHelper, WebCamTexture2MatAsyncGPUHelper and WebCamTexture2MatHelper. [Common]Added method to convert OpenCV basic classes to Unity basic structs.
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
Dlib FaceLandmark Detector ver1.2.0 Release!
Version 1.2.0 [Common]Updated to WebCamTextureToMatHelper.cs v1.0.7. [Common]Fixed WebCamTextureExample and OpenCVForUnityUtils.cs. [Common]Added NoiseFilterVideoCaptureExample and NoiseFilterWebCamTextureExample. [Commo]Added useLowPassFilter option to ARHeadVideoCaptureExample and ARHeadWebCamTextureExample. [Common]Added throwException flag to Utils.setDebugMode() method. [Common]Added drawIndexNumbers flag to DrawFaceLandmark() method.
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: Dlib FaceLandmark Detector
OpenCV for Unity ver2.0.0 Release!
Version 2.0.0[Common]Updated to OpenCV3.1.0.[Common]Included Old Version based on “OpenCV2.4.11”.[Common] Included Beta Version of Windows10 UWP Support.( This is beta version based on OpenCV3.0.0. opencv_contrib modules is not supported.)
- Author: Enox Software
- Category: Update
- Tags: OpenCV for Unity