OpenCV for Unity ver2.4.8 Release!

Version 2.4.8 [Common]Updated to OpenCV4.6.0. [Common]Added KNNExample, PhysicalGreenScreenExample and LightweightPoseEstimationExample. [Common]Update VideoCaptureToMatHelper, GreenScreenExample and QRCodeDetectorExample.

OpenCV for Unity ver2.4.4 Release!

Version 2.4.4 [Common]Updated to OpenCV4.5.2. [Common]Added VideoCaptureCameraInputExample and BackgroundSubtractorComparisonExample. [Common]Updated TrackingExample.

OpenCV for Unity ver2.4.3 Release!

Version 2.4.3 [Common]Added a downloader script to automatically set up the Dnn module example. [WebGL]Added exclude_contrib version for build size reduction.