OpenCV for Unity ver2.6.1 Release!
Version 2.6.1 [Common]Updated to OpenCV4.10.0. [Common]Added MultiSource2MatHelperExample.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.6.0 Release!
Version 2.6.0 [iOS]Added separate plugin files for iOS for devices and simulators. [WebGL]Added plugin files with only simd enabled.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.9 Release!
Version 2.5.9 [Common]Added PoseSkeletonVisualizer to HandPoseEstimationMediaPipeExample and PoseEstimationMediaPipeExample. [Common]Changed to use unsafe code by default. [Common]Optimized the amount of memory allocation, mainly in the Convertor class.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.8 Release!
Version 2.5.8 [Common]Updated to OpenCV4.9.0. [Common]Added DebugMatUtilsExample and MultiObjectTrackingExample. [Common]Updated VideoWriterExample, VideoWriterAsyncExample, TextRecognitionCRNNExample, TextRecognitionCRNNWebCamExample and TrackingExample. [Common]Changed the minimum supported version to Unity2020.3.48f1. [WebGL]Added support for “WebAssembly 2023”. [iOS]Changed “Target minimum iOS Version” to 11.0. [Common]Removed TrackerGOTURN from TrackingExample and added TrackerVit.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.7 Release!
Verson 2.5.7 [Common]Added FeatureMatchingExample. [WebGL]Added a plugin file with threads and simd enabled for the WebGL platform. This update removes support for the WebGL platform in Unity 2021.1 and below. (Select MenuItem[Tools/OpenCV for Unity/Open Setup Tools/WebGL Settings])
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.6 Release!
Version 2.5.6 [Common]Added PoseEstimationMediaPipeExample. [Common]Updated VideoWriterExample, VideoWriterAsyncExample (support URP and HDRP) .
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.5 Release!
Version 2.5.5 [Common]Updated to OpenCV4.8.0. [Common]Added ImageCorrectionExample, YuNetFaceDetectionExample and FaceDetectionYuNetV2Example. [Common]Updated HumanSegmentationExample, BarcodeDetectorExample. [Windows]Added Support for ARM64. [WebGL]Added Unity2023.2 or later support.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.4 Release!
Version 2.5.4 [Common]Added VideoWriterAsyncExample. [Common]Updated SimpleBlobExample, HumanSegmentationExample and HandPoseEstimationExample.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.3 Release!
Version 2.5.3 [Common]Added HandPoseEstimationExample and FacialExpressionRecognitionExample.
OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.2 Release!
2.5.2 [Common]Added YOLOv4ObjectDetectionExample, YOLOv7ObjectDetectionExample, YOLOXObjectDetectionExample and NanoDetPlusObjectDetectionExample. [Common]Updated HandPoseEstimationExample, ArUcoExample, ArUcoWebCamExample and ArUcoCameraCalibrationExample.