OpenCV for Unity ver2.6.4 Release!

Version 2.6.4 [Common] Added various data access methods to the Mat class, including ptr(), at(), AsSpan(), and AsSpanRowRange(). [Common] Updated get() and set() methods in the Mat class to support Span and generics, and updated MatUtils.copyFromMat() and MatUtils.copyToMat() to support Span. [Common] Added structs and ValueTuples corresponding to the data formats of basic OpenCV classes, and created overloads for methods that use these basic classes as arguments, allowing the use of structs and ValueTuples instead. This update simplifies code, enables more efficient memory usage, and improves data access speed. [Common] Added Utils.getFilePathAsyncTask() and Utils.getMultipleFilePathsAsyncTask() methods. It is an asynchronous Task return version of the existing Utils.getFilePathsAsync() method. It can be seamlessly integrated with other asynchronous code. [Common] Added Utils.texture2DToMatRaw() and Utils.matToTexture2DRaw() methods. [Common] Added methods for conversion between Mat and RenderTexture using ComputeShader (Utils.matToRenderTexture(), Utils.renderTextureToMat()). [Common] Added the WebCamTexture2MatAsyncGPUHelper class. [Common] Updated the DebugMatUtils class to support displaying Texture2D and RenderTexture. [Common] Added a face blurring feature to FaceDetectorYNExample. [iOS] Fixed an issue where AddToEmbeddedBinaries was processed redundantly with each incremental build.

OpenCV for Unity ver2.6.2 Release!

Version 2.6.2 [Common]Changed the minimum supported version to Unity2021.3.35f1. [Common]Added AsyncGPUReadback2MatHelper. [Common]Updated MultiSource2MatHelperExample. [Common]Separated the examples using the Built-in Render Pipeline and Scriptable Render Pipeline. [Common]Fixed a memory leak in Converters.cs.

OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.9 Release!

Version 2.5.9 [Common]Added PoseSkeletonVisualizer to HandPoseEstimationMediaPipeExample and PoseEstimationMediaPipeExample. [Common]Changed to use unsafe code by default. [Common]Optimized the amount of memory allocation, mainly in the Convertor class.

How to run DNN modules with CUDA backend support on Windows platform?

Overview In 2019, a commit was merged that added the option to use the CUDA backend for inference in OpenCV’s DNN module, resulting in faster inference on Nvidia GPUs. If you wish to use this CUDA backend with OpenCV for Unity, it is necessary to build and set up OpenCV as a dynamic library on your own. This article will provide guidance on the process. Steps Build the OpenCV library with the OPENCV_DNN_CUDA flag enabled. Please refer to the article below for instructions on how to build OpenCV with OPENCV_DNN_CUDA enabled. Build with OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH and BUILD_SHARED_LIBS enabled. In addition, it is recommended that you download and build the same revision of the source as the OpenCV git link provided in the ReadMe.pdf. OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH:PATH=C:/Users/xxxxx/opencv_contrib/modules BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON Copy the built dll files to the Plugins folder. Replace the opencvforunity.dll file in the Extra package with opencvforunity.dll in the Plugins folder. To enable the CUDA backend, change the code as follows. net.setPreferableBackend( Dnn.DNN_BACKEND_CUDA); net.setPreferableTarget( Dnn.DNN_TARGET_CUDA); Result

OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.8 Release!

Version 2.5.8 [Common]Updated to OpenCV4.9.0. [Common]Added DebugMatUtilsExample and MultiObjectTrackingExample. [Common]Updated VideoWriterExample, VideoWriterAsyncExample, TextRecognitionCRNNExample, TextRecognitionCRNNWebCamExample and TrackingExample. [Common]Changed the minimum supported version to Unity2020.3.48f1. [WebGL]Added support for “WebAssembly 2023”. [iOS]Changed “Target minimum iOS Version” to 11.0. [Common]Removed TrackerGOTURN from TrackingExample and added TrackerVit.

OpenCV for Unity ver2.5.7 Release!

Verson 2.5.7 [Common]Added FeatureMatchingExample. [WebGL]Added a plugin file with threads and simd enabled for the WebGL platform. This update removes support for the WebGL platform in Unity 2021.1 and below. (Select MenuItem[Tools/OpenCV for Unity/Open Setup Tools/WebGL Settings])